Town of White Springs, Florida
P.O. Drawer D
10363 Bridge Street
White Springs, FL 32096
The Town of White Springs, Florida (the “Town”) hereby gives notice of its intent to seek statements of qualification and transmittal letters (proposals) from interested firms and/or individual in response to this Request for Qualifications (the “RFQ”) to provide the professional services described herein. Proposals must be received by 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 9, 2023.
All submittals shall be publicly opened and recorded as soon as practicable after the deadline. Late submittals shall not be accepted or considered. Proposals may be submitted by mail, in person delivery, or electronically to by the date and time stated above. Any proposals received after the due date and time specified will not be considered.
Questions regarding this solicitation shall be submitted in writing to no later than five working days before the deadline. Responses to those questions considered material to the solicitation will be made available as formal addenda. It is the responsibility of prospective proposers to ensure they are aware of all addenda issued relative to this solicitation.
The Town reserves to itself the right to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town or to waive any informality in any submittal. The Town may reject any or all proposals and re- advertise.
1. Prepares journal entries and fund transfer requests.
2. Balances encumbrances, general ledger and subsidiary ledgers.
3. Reconcile various general ledger accounts to supporting information provided by other departments.
4. Maintains documents and records associated with various business transactions including financial analyses, statements, and reports.
5. Assist in the preparation of monthly, quarterly and year end close process.
6. Prepares and assists in preparing financial reports and analysis; maintains or assists in maintaining general and subsidiary ledgers and supporting schedules for a variety of accounts.
7. Assists in the research, evaluation and implementation of new Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statements.8. Reviews accounting documents to ensure accuracy and makes correcting entries as required: examines supporting documentation to establish proper authorization and conformance with agreements, contracts and federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations.
9. Monitor remaining funding available for projects.
10. Ensure pay applications are in accordance with contract terms; prepares, process, and/or validate pay applications, requisitions, purchase orders, and check requests.
11. Reconcile vendor statements and pay applications; assists accounts payable with resolving and researching payment issues.
12. Compiles and maintains contract records including project status reports, inspection reports, notices to proceed, change orders and pay requests.
13. Assists with the preparation of correspondence, contract documents and project reports.
14. Performs other related duties as assigned.